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Quizzing Bible Memory Cds/DVDs/USB
Matthew: Bible Memory Teaching USB drive
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This 8GB 3.0 drive is p
erfect for teaching Visual and Kinesthetic learners!!
DaVonne gives tools to help memorize the verses on the Matthew CD by using fun actions, great rhythm, and simple sign language. The format is: show, teach, show: The kids demonstrate -DaVonne teaches - then you join along!
The 8GB 3.0 drive includes:
Single teaching files for each verse: including a show - teach - show format
A "play all" file including the show, teach, show format for all 20 verses
Perfect for using with ProPresenter, Power Point, or on your devices.
Plenty of room to add your own Bible study files for your study of Matthew in one place!
See Matthew Bible Memory CD for tracks. The verses are the same.
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