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Quizzing Bible Memory Cds/DVDs/USB
Acts Combo 3: Bible Memory Cd, Scripture Portion, Teaching DVD
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Acts Bible Memory Cd:
Our Bible memory CDs are designed with Children's Bible Quizzing in mind. Whether the songs are a capella with beautiful harmonies, silly voices, incredible percussion, or full instrumentation, the kids will have a blast learning God's Word and have it hidden in their heart for years! Each Bible memory CD contains the required memory verses for Children's Bible Quizzing published through
The Foundary
. They are also great tools for Children's Church, Caravan, VBS, Sunday School, Camp, or just at home!
Acts Scripture Study Portion 2-Disc Set:
This 2-disc set is ideal for Auditory learners or young readers! DaVonne reads all Scripture portions used in the Study of Acts, published through
The Foundary
. Each track is exactly what the children will be studying from and quizzed over in Dig Sites 1-20.
Acts Teaching DVD:
Perfect for teaching Visual and Kinesthetic learners!! In this DVD, DaVonne gives tools to help memorize the verses on the Acts CD by using fun actions, great rhythm, and simple sign language. The format is: show, teach, show: The kids demonstrate -DaVonne teaches - then you join along!
Audio Samples of all 23 songs, plus the Acts promo at the end.
Promo for Acts Resources
1. Acts 5:32
2. Acts 4:12
3. Hebrews 13:16
4. James 1:12
5. Psalm 119:130
6. 2 Corinthians 5:17
7. Romans 12:2
8. Acts 10:34-35
9. James 5:16b
10. Ephesians 4:2-3
11. Acts 2:38
12. Acts 22:15
13. Romans 8:31
14. Acts 1:8
15. Acts 20:24
16. Exodus 4:12
17. 2 Corinthians 1:10b
18. Acts 4:20
19. Hebrews 10:23
20. Acts 20:28
21. Acts 4:32
22. Acts 10:15b
23. Acts 13:32-33a
24. Hide & Keep Acts Promo
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