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Bracelets / Charms / Treasure Boxes & Coins
Memory Coins
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Instant reward!!
Earn one Memory Coin per Bible memory verse (or portion) memorized! If are you in children's quizzing from 1st-6th grade and memorize all 20 required verses each year, then you will earn 120 coins in your Memory Treasure Box - which means 120 portions of Scripture in your heart! Verses can come from our resources or from verses you memorize on your own. There is no limit to the number of verses you can memorize!!!
Memory Coins are great for reviewing the verses you already have memorized!! Just pull out a coin from the box and recite the verse associated with the reference you have written on the back with your own marker.
Coins are:
1 1/4 inch diameter
Stamped with "h k" on the front
Personalize with your own marker. See additional pictures.
Sold in bags of 20 coins (bag colors vary)
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